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キャロウェイ Apex MBの特別アイアン☆Fairway Golf California◆少量、Callaway Apex MB Rawレアもの!軟鉄鍛造 削り出しMizunoパター

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キャロウェイ Apex MBの特別アイアン☆Fairway Golf California◆少量、Callaway Apex MB Rawレアもの!


Callaway Apex MB Raw IronsTour Shaping and Design Now in a Raw Finish*The world’s best players provided extensive feedback for a true muscleback iron. A classic shape and style, with a traditional, slightly thinner topline, and a beautiful Raw finish in our smallest blade shape. And we’ve optimized CG positioning for outstanding control.High Performance 20V GroovesPrecision grooves are built in to promote the high level of control and consistent spin that muscleback players expect. The 20V grooves also stand out for reducing fliers from the rough for even more control.Forged From 1025 Carbon SteelThis players iron was engineered for a remarkably soft feel that Tour players want, with the exact craftsmanship and precision they expect – only achieved through our premium forging process.


軟鉄鍛造 削り出しMizunoパターM・クラフト

Mizuno M CRAFT Putters

ミズノがパターを!! 革新的なクラブ職人の代表を、ミズノの知識と革新をパターの製作に投入しました。 M Craftは初版のパターモデルで、1025マイルドカーボンスチールで作られた鍛造パターです。 CNC加工で最高品質のアライメントを実現。




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